Friday, February 19, 2010

February 20, 2010 Good Stuff

*Oh Lush how I love thee. Though you are quite expensive. I went a little crazy at the Lush store today, but at least bath bombs to last quite awhile now :p And a bubble bar that will last me for at least two baths. I've been taking lots of baths and reading in the tub lately. I find it helps me relax a lot!

*The Mighty Boosh. I'm forming a mighty obsession with that show. The UK has the best shows in the world :p

*Atlas Sound, Jonsi, Yeasayer, Avi Buffalo, Owen Pallett, Alec Ounsworth, Broken Bells and current obsessions musicwise.

*I vlogged finally and it was fun :D

*My clients did NOT cancel on me today!! On Wednesday, both of my clients cancelled on me, so it was nice to actually get to see both of my clients today.

*Handmade afghans to cuddle with from one of my bestest blogging friends, Pat :)


  1. awwwwww :o) cuddling is good.. of course it's a might better when done with a friend heh.

  2. I lurve Lush! Hubby got me a box of goodies from them at Christmas and they were all in the shape of cupcakes ( another one of my obsessions). I cannot walk past a Lush shop without buying, the smell just drags me in.

  3. I'm going to beg you again for a mix CD when you get the chance because I feel so stupid, I've never heard of any of those bands! :/

    No rush, though. ;P

    I've been taking a lot of baths lately, too. I miss the huge bathtub we had in Wisconsin. Deep and without an overflow drain so I could fill the water as much as I wanted. They don't make them like that here.

  4. Your vlog needs to be on my good stuff list for the day! so put a smile on my face. :D And yet at the same time made me miss you all the more. Oh August, why are you so damn far away?!!

    I think you need to post of pic of you snuggling up in the afghan Pat made you. Her afghans are so beautiful, aren't they?
