Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19, 2010 Good Stuff

*I got off of work half an hour early today. That's always a good thing.

*I'm thinking of getting a new car. This excites me to no end. But I don't know if I should or not. the thing is I CAN right now, but that doesn't mean that I should. My logic is, "oh, I've been paying a car note for 5 years now, so nothing will change." But the truth is, my car's in fine condition aside from needing new tires. I'm just sick of it. I just need to think of it and not act on impulses. But I REALLY want a new car...I tend to get sick of cars after 3 or 4 years :/ I've been driving for 13 years now and this would be my fourth car if I got a new one!

*Today was sort of a melancholy day which I guess is a good thing. It wasn't particularly great and nothing horrible happened. Just sort of blah...


  1. so funny.. i remember when getting off work early was a VERY GOOD THING! lol..

    I wish I could help you with your decision on the car but that one is up to you. I know one thing I am sorry about (and most others I know my age) and that is setting aside a retirement fund on your own for yourself..you are very young and so (do the math) over 35 yrs or more you can sock away a pretty good amount by not even setting aside that much each paycheck..

    ok not sure why or how I got into that ..sorry lol.

    I try to find good stuff but I do poorly on it ..it has to do with being a pessimist and the depression.. but yesterday was a decent day! The traveling pet truck was around and Boo got his nails cut! (that saves me a lot of puncture wounds for a few weeks) then the maintenance man got the pins out of my door so it won't "slam shut" anymore.. and lastly, I did get out and do my mile around the pond, which is always good.
    You are such a good son! hugs.

  2. We went through cars so fast at the beginning of our marriage, trading in every year or two. The van that we have now is the first car we've had longer than that. It's been 5 or 6 years now. I'm itching to trade it in, but it's only 11 years old and it works well so I know I shouldn't especially as I have this trip to NYC coming up and soon we'll be paying off Jason's insane college debt. :/

  3. I'm a terrible one to talk to, because actually, I hate buying a new car - not fun. Houses are the same way. But, I DO know that feeling with, say, laptops :D.

  4. Deslily, It still really is a VERY GOOD THING!! It's better when it's REALLY early though :p I am actually saving for retirement...I have a 401K that I put 6% of every paycheck into and the company matches that at 50% and then it's invested. Last year I actually gained 20% in the stock market somehow. So it's building up pretty nicely for me. So I'll have some money put away for me. I totally get the pessimism and depression thing...that's what I'm working on with one of my clients right now...I'm actually using this tool with him too and it's been helpful! Hey, you got some very good things there!!!! The traveling pet bus sounds awesome :D And the door thing is a continuous good thing...sounds like it was a pain in the ass before that will no longer be there! And yay for making it around the pond :D Walking off those belgian sea shells, huh? ;)

    Amanda, ONLY 11 years old? Good lord! I know all about insane college debt :/ It's one of the deterents from buying a new car. But the thing I keep thinking about is that this is probably the last time in my life for a long time that I will be able to get a new car. Once I move out, I won't have that luxury and I won't be here much longer.....I dunno..lots to think about.

    Jason, Oh, I hate the actual buying process!! When a salesmen sees me I'm like an easy target. Laptops!!! I love buying new laptops too :D Especially Macs :D Although, I can't see ever wanting to replace my MacBook ever again.

  5. *smacks chris in the back of the head* as Mark Harmon does on NCIS for reminder me of the belgian seashells! Hell chris I don't need reminding! I see them everyday! 1/2 box on the right hip and 1/2 box on the left! lol lol

  6. I know. My car is going to be paid off in the spring and I keep thinking I want a new one, too, but I am reminding myself that the lack of a payment will save me money and my car is perfectly fine.
